New WordPress Publishing Platform Will Offer Blockchain Features

WordPress is launching a new publishing platform backed by Google, ethereum development studio ConsenSys and more, and notably blockchain tools will be built in, the CoinDesk reported.

Announced Monday, the new product – Newspack – is described as an “inexpensive” platform offering technology and support for small- and medium-sized news organizations.

Google led Newspack’s funding, with a $1.2 million investment, while ConsenSys contributed $350,000. The Lenfest Institute for Journalism and the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation invested $400,000 and $250,000, respectively.

A ConsenSys representative confirmed the investment to CoinDesk on Wednesday, adding that newsrooms accessing Newspack will be offered the option to use blockchain-based features made available through ConsenSys-backed Civil Media.

Specifically, Civil’s Publisher product, which allows newsrooms to permanently archive content on a decentralized network, will be installed as a plugin on the WordPress platform for any newsroom to use.

“The plugin will also act as a portal that will walk newsrooms through how to join the Civil Registry, the hub of community-vetted and -approved newsrooms,” the representative said, adding that it will also offer access to a “discovery portal” for consumers seeking news.

While Civil has had some issues, including a failed token-based fundraiser that it had to relaunch, the firm notably assisted a news site in archiving a full article on the ethereum blockchain in December. And, back in August, Associated Press announced it would collaborate with Civil on content licenses based on blockchain tech.

Post Author: Alyona
